Yi Zhu

(Dec. 2021) Group member Yi Zhu was awarded the Richard and Eleanor Towner Prize for Outstanding Ph.D. research. (Link)

Origami diagram forming the words SWOMP

(Nov. 2021) The paper: Zhu, Y, & Filipov, ET. “Sequentially Working Origami Multi-Physics Simulator (SWOMPS): A Versatile Implementation.” was published in Proceedings of the ASME 2021 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. (Link)

Analysis crop

(Oct. 2021) The paper: Redoutey, M., Roy, A., Filipov E.T., (2021) “Pop-up kirigami for stiff, dome-like structures” was published in the International Journal of Solids and Structures. The work presents a design for a pop-up kirigami system that achieves symmetric, positive Gaussian curvature by taking advantage of an internal infinitesimal mechanism. (Link)

University of Michigan logo

(Aug. 2021) Welcome, Hardik! Hardik Patil (B.Tech., IIT Bombay and M.S.E., U. Michigan) has joined the University of Michigan and the deployable and reconfigurable structures group as a Ph.D. student.

Maria Redoutey

(Jul. 2021) Group member Maria Redoutey was awarded the J. Robert Beyster Computational Innovation Graduate Fellowship. (Link)

Origami diagram

(Jun. 2021) The paper: Yi Zhu, Evgueni T. Filipov, (2021) “Rapid Multi-Physics Simulation for Electro-Thermal Origami Systems” was published in the International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. The work introduces an efficient simulation for electro-thermal active origami. (Link)

University of Michigan logo

(Jun. 2021) Welcome, Jared, Joseph, Marcela, and Pauline! Jared, Joseph, Marcela, and Pauline are undergraduate students joining the group this summer to work on summer research projects related to origami-inspired structures.

Analysis crop

(Feb. 2021) Group member Maria Redoutey was awarded Honorable Mention at the Engineering Research Symposium. She presented our work on pop-up kirigami structures to the UM College of Engineering community. (Link)

CCO Corrugation

(Nov. 2020) Our paper was published in IJSS. The paper: SR Woodruff, ET Filipov (2020) “A bar and hinge model formulation for structural analysis of curved-crease origami,” introduces an easy-to-use and efficient simulation tool for the analyses of curved-crease origami. (Link)

University of Minnesota logo

(Oct. 2020) Prof. Filipov gives the Geomechanics Seminar at the University of Minnesota. Prof. Filipov gave the Geomechanics Seminar (virtually) at the University of Minnesota entitled “Simulating the Mechanics of Origami to Enable Shape Morphing Structures at Multiple Scales”. Thank you Prof. Mogilevskaya, and CEE at the University of Minnesota for hosting.

Close up of a crane model

(Jul. 2020) Research paper on fabrication and actuation of micro-origami published in Adv. Funct. Mater. (Y Zhu, M Birla, KR Oldham, ET Filipov). Link and See papers, details, and media coverage

Meccanica: An International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics

(Jul. 2020) Our paper was published in Meccanica. The paper: SR Woodruff, ET Filipov (2020) “Curved creases redistribute global bending stiffness in corrugations: theory and experimentation,” explores the unique property of curved creases to enhance the stiffness of corrugations in multiple directions. (Link)

University of Michigan logo

(Jun. 2020) Welcome, Eden and Ariel!!! Eden and Ariel are undergraduate students joining the group this summer to work on summer research projects related to origami-inspired structures.

American Society of Civil Engineers logo

(Apr. 2020) Our recent paper is selected as the ASCE 2019 Best Journal Paper in the Analysis and Computation category. The paper “Deployable Sandwich Surfaces with High Out-of-Plane Stiffness” in the Journal of Structural Engineering Vol. 145 No. 2, explores how origami tubes can be used to create smooth and stiff structural surfaces. [more information]

NSFW logo

(Jan. 2020) Prof. Filipov receives the National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER Award. This new project entitled “CAREER: Large, Deployable and Adaptable Structures Through Origami Engineering,” will explore low to zero stiffness origami mechanic s to enable large-scale civil engineering structures that move and reconfigure efficiently, predictably and safely. [more information]


(Jan. 2020) Our group introduces a new course on Deployable and Reconfigurable Structures. Click the image for more information.

Northwestern University logo

(Oct. 2019) Prof. Filipov gives Invited Seminar at Northwestern University. Prof. Filipov gave the TAM/SPREE Seminar at Northwestern University entitled “Simulating Elasticity and Contact in Origami-inspired Structures”. The talk discussed the development of a simplified bar-and-hinge model, and recent advances that allow it to simulate contact, buckling, and curved creases in origami. Thank you, Prof. Balogun, and the ME and CEE departments at Northwestern University for hosting [Link]  

Diagram of contact

(Sept. 2019) Research Paper on Simulating Origami Contact is published. Y Zhu, ET Filipov, An Efficient Numerical Approach for Simulating Contact in Origami Assemblages, Royal Society Proceedings A.

University of Michigan logo

(Jun. 2019) Welcome Adeline, Biniyam, Jack, and Marlee!!! Adeline, Biniyam, Jack, and Marlee are undergraduate students joining the group this summer to work on summer research projects related with origami inspired structures.

Acoustical Society of America logo

(May. 2019) Prof. Filipov gives invited talk at the Acoustical Society of America. The talk discussed new findings on the mechanics and dynamics of curved creased corrugations (Link). 

Ohio State University logo

(Apr. 2019) Prof. Filipov presents invited seminar at the Ohio State University. The seminar titled “Tailoring the Mechanics of Origami for Deployable and Adaptable Structures,” (Link) discussed how origami mechanics could be applied at multiple scales and was part of the Design, Materials and Manufacturing Seminar Series in the Mechanical Engineering Department at OSU. Thank you Prof. Harne for hosting!

American Physical Society logo

(Mar. 2019) Group members Zhongyuan Wo and Prof. Filipov present at the American Physical Society March Meeting.  Details on the conference and the presentations can be found here.

University of Michigan logo

(Jan. 2019) Welcome, Mira, Ann, and Bin! Mira (Ph.D. student from Marco-molecular Science Engineering Umich), Ann (Postdoc from EPFL), and Bin (Visiting Scholar from Tsinghua University) joined our group!

Red origami

(Nov. 2018) Research Paper on Mechanics of Origami Hypar is published. ET Filipov, M Redoutey, Mechanical characteristics of the bistable origami hypar, Extreme Mechanics Letters 25, 16-26. Link

NAS logo

(Sept. 2018) Prof. Filipov selected to participate in a U.S. National Academy of Sciences Frontiers Symposium. This sixth annual Arab-American Frontiers of Science, Engineering, and Medicine Symposium will be hosted in the Kuwait National Library (November 4-6) to discuss leading scientific advances on a wide range of topics. See detailed story here.

University of Michigan logo

(Aug. 2018) Welcome, Maria and Yi!!! Yi Zhu (B.S. Tongji University, M.S. U.C. Berkeley) and Maria Redoutey (B.S. U. Michigan) have joined the Deployable and Reconfigurable Structures Lab as Ph.D. students.

Zhongyuan Wo

(Jul. 2018) Group member Zhongyuan Wo was selected to participate in the Student Poster Competition of the World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM)The poster entitled “Geometric Implications for Stress Concentration in Miura Origami,” explores how geometry plays a fundamental role in the distribution of stresses in such engineering systems.

DARPA logo

(Jul. 2018) Prof. Filipov wins the 2018 DARPA Young Faculty Award. This Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) project will explore micro-scale origami-inspired systems that can self-assemble, reconfigure, and adapt for new functions. See detailed story here.

Steven Woodruff

(Apr. 2018) Research group member Steven Woodruff awarded the National Science Foundation GRFP Fellowship! The fellowship will support Steven’s novel Ph.D. research on the analysis of curved crease deployable structures. Read the CEE UMich News Story about this accomplishment

ASCE logo

(Mar. 2018) Steven’s paper selected as one of four finalists for the ASCE E&S Conference Student Paper Competition. Our paper entitled “Structural Analysis of Curved Folded Deployables” was presented at the 2018 ASCE Earth and Space Conference April 9-12, in Cleveland, OH.

ZF Logo

(Jan. 2018) Prof. Filipov receives the 2018 ZF Automotive award for his research proposal on “Energy Dissipation in Cellular Origami: From Passive to Active Crash Protection”.

Curved sheet

(Jan. 2018) Our group receives a grant from the Office of Naval Research (ONR). The grant will allow us to explore curved folded sheets for applications as stiff, anisotropic, and adaptable structures. See detailed story here.

Notre Dame logo

(Sept. 2017) Prof. Filipov present invited seminar at Notre Dame. The seminar was titled “Analysis of Origami Structures and Metamaterials,” and was part of the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering & Earth Sciences Structures Seminar Series. Thank you Prof. Khandelwal for hosting!

University of Michigan logo

(Aug. 2017) Welocome Wo and Steven! Steven Woodruff (B.S. Tufts) and Zhongyuan Wo (B.S. Tsinghua) have joined the University of Michigan, and the Deployable and Reconfigurable Structures Lab as Ph.D. students.

Bar hinge

(Jun. 2017) Our paper on Bar and Hinge Models for Origami is published in IJSS. The paper introduced an N5B8 model for modeling origami and created scaling relationships to define the stretching, bending, and folding of origami sheets. Paper Link and PDF.


(Jan. 2017) Prof. Filipov receives the 2017 ASCE ExCEEd Fellowship. The award is given for commitment to improving CEE education and includes a fellowship to attend an annual teaching workshop hosted by ASCE.

University of Michigan logo

(Jan. 2017) Prof. Filipov has started at the CEE Department of the University of Michigan. He will be teaching the Structural Dynamics course in the 2017 Winter term. He is continuing research on deployable and reconfigurable structures and is accepting applications for his research group.

Stanford logo

(Nov. 2016) Dr. Filipov gives the SEG Graduate Student Seminar in the CEE Department at Stanford University. The lecture entitled “Using Origami for Deployable Structures and Adaptable Metamaterials” discussed recent research on the deployable zipper and polygonal origami tube structures.

NAS logo

(Mar. 2016) The zipper coupled origami tube research was selected by the National Academy of Sciences to receive the 2015 Cozzarelli Prize! The paper won the category of “Engineering and Applied Sciences”, and is one of six in PNAS to receive this distinction for 2015. The prize is awarded for outstanding scientific excellence and originality. Official news release, and paper details and media coverage.

Polygonal cross-sectional origami

(Jan. 2016) Paper on origami tubes with polygonal cross-sections published at PRS-A. The tubes can be constructed to follow a non-linear curved line when deployed, and their cross-sections can be reconfigured locally. These tubes have tunable geometries and mechanical characteristics and can lead to applications from piping systems to micro-robotics. See the details and news coverage.

NCSA logo

(Nov. 2015) Evgueni presents invited lecture at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) Materials and Manufacturing Theme Seminar, Urbana, IL. See the abstract and watch the video recording of the full talk.

Zipper photo

(Nov. 2015) PNAS article on zipper-coupled origami tubes continues to attract news. New stories appear in ASCE’s Civil Engineering magazineGeorgia Tech Research Horizons Magazine, and The Wall Street Journal. See all news stories here.

SES logo

(Oct. 2015) Evgueni attends the Society of Engineering Science 52nd Annual Technical Meeting, at Texas A&M University in College Station, TX. Evgueni presented two lectures and one poster at the conference.


(Oct. 2015) Evgueni gives Seismic Design Lecture. The lecture to the UIUC EERI Student Chapter discussed the fundamentals of structural dynamics and seismic analysis and prepared undergraduate students for the seismic design competition.

Georgia Tech logo

(Sept. 2015) Evgueni gives Origami lecture at the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Georgia Tech. The invited lecture entitled “Origami Tube Structures with Reconfigurable Geometry and Tunable Stiffness” discussed recent research on zipper-tubes as well as practical applications and future research for origami.

NSFW logo

(Aug. 2014) Evgueni returns from the NSF GROW program in Japan. As part of the NSF GRFPNSF GROW, and JSPS Fellowships, Evgueni spent six months as a visiting scholar at Prof T. Tachi‘s Origami Lab at the University of Tokyo.

American Physical Society logo

(Mar. 2015) Evgueni presents at the American Physical Society March Meeting 2015 in San Antonio, TX. The conference presentation showed recent results on analytical methods for origami and coupled Miura-ori origami tubes.

6OSME logo

(Aug. 2014) Evgueni presents at the 6th International Meeting on Origami in Science, Mathematics and Education (6OSME) in Tokyo, Japan. The presentation discussed new ideas on the analysis and optimization of origami using a simplified bar and hinge model.

CEE Illinois

(2013) Story about Evgueni Published in UIUC CEE magazine. The story (pg. 14) discusses Evgueni’s master’s research and fellowships that he received from the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department at UIUC.


(May 2013) Evgueni presents at the World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization in Orlando, FL. The conference presentation showed new multiresolution polygonal elements that can use intermediate densities for more efficient topology optimization.

Evgueni Filipov

(Fall 2013) Evgueni teaches CEE 360 Structural Engineering Class. As the lead instructor of the junior level class of 112 students, Evgueni taught on topics of structural theory, analysis, and design. See course info.

UIUC logo

(Apr. 2013) Evgueni awarded Mavis (MF3) Fellowship for a second time. The Mavis fellowship involves a thorough training program for students that have the potential to make significant contributions to engineering research, education, and service.