
Welcome to the Deployable and Reconfigurable Structures Laboratory! 

  • drsl_group
    Deployable and Reconfigurable Structures Lab group. Picture courtesy: Jacob Hamilton

Announcements and News:


(Mar. 2024) Group member Anan Ghrayeb Receives the National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship. Congratulations, Anan! Full Story

(Oct. 2023) Group members Evgueni Filipov, Yi Zhu, and Anan Ghrayeb presented at the Society of Engineering Science 2023 Conference.


(Sept. 2023) Group member Anan Ghrayeb receives the 1st prize in the Three Minutes Thesis Competition at University of Michigan. Congratulations!!

anvay headshot

(Aug. 2023) Group member Anvay Pradhan receives the Michigan Institute for Computational Discovery and Engineering (MICDE) fellowship. Congratulations, Anvay!!

(May 2023) The paper: Redoutey, M., & Filipov, E. T. (2023). Designing continuous equilibrium structures that counteract gravity in any orientation was published in Scientific Reports (Link)

Maria Redoutey

(May 2023) Group member Maria Redoutey successfully defended her Ph.D. thesis titled “A Versatile Framework for Stable Reconfigurable Structures with Efficient Actuation.” Congratulations, Maria!!

Evgueni Filipov

(May. 2023) Prof. Evgueni Filipov receives the ASCE EMI Leonardo Da Vinci award for his ground-breaking developments in the field of Engineering Mechanics and Mechanical Sciences. Congratulations, Prof. Filipov! (Link)

University of Michigan logo

(Jan. 2023) Prof. Evgueni Filipov and Group Member Hardik Patil teach a new class on “Introduction to Adaptable and Deployable Structures” (ENG 100). The class was offered to first-year students where they worked on semester-long team projects including deployable sea walls, solar arrays, facades, bridges, and more. (Course Syllabus)

(Jan. 2023) The paper: Wo, Z., & Filipov, E. T. (2023). Stiffening multi-stable origami tubes by outward popping of creases was published in Extreme Mechanics Letters. (Link)

(Nov. 2022) DRSL features in M-Live! The article’s title is In an engineering lab at the University of Michigan, tiny robots, boats and bridges inspired by origami. Link.

(Nov. 2022) Our new paper on “Harnessing Interpretable Machine Learning for Origami Inverse Design” is published on Scientific Reports.

Zhongyuan Wo

(Nov. 2022) Group member Zhongyuan Wo secured 1st place in NSF Student Poster Competition and Honorable Mention in the CONCAM Student Poster Competition at ASME’s IMECE 2022! The title of the poster was Buckling-induced Functionalities in Origami Tubes. Congratulations, Wo!

(Nov. 2022) Group members Evgueni Filipov, Zhongyuan Wo, Yi Zhu, and Hardik Patil presented at the ASME’s International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition (IMECE) 2022.

Zhongyuan Wo

(Oct. 2022) Group member Zhongyuan Wo successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis titled “Harnessing Buckling to Create Functionality in Origami Tubes.” Congratulations, Wo!!

University of Michigan logo

(Aug. 2022) Welcome, Anan, Anvay, Guowei (Wayne), Jacob, and Kaley! Anan (Ph.D. student in Mechanical Engineering), Anvay (Ph.D. student in Mechanical Engineering & Scientific Computing), Guowei (Ph.D. student in Civil Engineering), Jacob (Ph.D. student in Civil Engineering), and Kaley (Ph.D. student in Civil Engineering) joined our group!

(Aug. 2022) Our Review Paper on Origami Simulation by Yi Zhu, Mark Schenk, and Evgueni T. Filipov is published in Applied Mechanics Review (Link)

Steven Woodruff

(Jun. 2022) Group member Steven R. Woodruff successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis titled “How Curved Creases Enhance the Stiffness and Enable Shape Morphing of Thin-Sheet Structures.” Congratulations, Steven!!

Yi Zhu

(May. 2022) Group member Yi Zhu successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis titled “An Integrated Framework for Fabrication, Simulation, and Design of Functional Origami.” Congratulations, Yi!!

(May. 2022) The paper: Wo, Z., and Filipov, E.T. (2022) “Locking Zipper-coupled Origami Tubes for Deployable Energy Absorption” was published in the Journal of Mechanical Design. (Link)

Yutong Xia

(Apr. 2022) Group member Yutong Xia successfully defended her Ph.D. thesis titled “Deployment Dynamics of Origami Sheets and Fluidic Tubular Origami Structures.” Congratulations, Yutong!!

(Apr. 2022) The Paper: Woodruff S.R., and Filipov E.T. (2022) “Bending and twisting with a pinch: Shape morphing of creased sheets” was published in Extreme Mechanics Letters. (Link)

(Apr. 2022) The paper: Xia, Y., Kidambi, N., Filipov, E.T., Wang, K.W. (2022) “Deployment Dynamics of Miura Origami Sheets” was published in the Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics. (Link)

Evgueni Filipov

(Feb. 2022) Dr. Filipov receives the Excellence in CEE Faculty Award from the University of Michigan CEE Department and the 2022 Young Alumni Achievement Award from the CEE Alumni Association at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. (Link)

applied mechanics

(Jan. 2022) The Paper: Wo, Z., and Filipov, E.T. (2022) “Bending Stability of Corrugated Tubes with Anisotropic Frustum Shells” was published in the Journal of Applied Mechanics. (Link)

See Archive of News and Announcements