Research: Architectural Scale Deployable and Adaptable Structures
Deployable and adaptable structures have a benefit over other traditional ones because they are more efficient to fabricate, assemble, and reuse and can serve a variety of purposes in their lifespan. In this pursuit, the art of origami has often been a cornerstone of inspiration. While using thin sheets of material for structural systems is typically insufficient, we explore methods of exploiting geometry to maximize the utilization of the sheet’s in-plane stiffness.
Research Topics
Deployable and Adaptable Structural Systems
Large-scale modular and uniformly thick origami-inspired adaptable and load-carrying structures
In this paper, Yi advances concepts in thick origami and introduces Modular and Uniformly Thick Origami-Inspired Structure systems. Some of the notable contributions of this work are: The creation of a single easy-to-fabricate panel that can be reconfigured into many structures, such as a foot-bridge or a bus station, and stored in compact configurations. The formulation of mathematical… Read Full Post