Wayne was the co-winner of the Elasticity Committee Best Student Paper Award along with another competitor. This competition was held at the EMI/PMC 2024 Conferences, and Continue Reading
Category: Announcements and News
Short announcements
Group member Anan Ghrayeb Receives the National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship.
Group members Evgueni Filipov, Yi Zhu, and Anan Ghrayeb presented at the Society of Engineering Science 2023 Conference.
Group member Anan Ghrayeb receives the 1st prize in the Three Minutes Thesis Competition at University of Michigan. Congratulations!!
Group member Anvay Pradhan receives the Michigan Institute for Computational Discovery and Engineering (MICDE) fellowship. Congratulations, Anvay!!
Group member Maria Redoutey successfully defended her Ph.D. thesis titled “A Versatile Framework for Stable Reconfigurable Structures with Efficient Actuation.” Congratulations, Maria!!
Prof. Evgueni Filipov receives the ASCE EMI Leonardo Da Vinci award
The paper: Redoutey, M. & Filipov, E. T. (2023). Designing continuous equilibrium structures that counteract gravity in any orientation was published in Scientific Reports
Prof. Evgueni Filipov and Group Member Hardik Patil teach a new class on “Introduction to Adaptable and Deployable Structures” (ENG 100)
The class was offered to first-year students where they worked on semester-long team projects including deployable sea walls, solar arrays, facades, bridges, and more. (Course